
A person with a dream of leaving a legacy and with a personal mission – “Impact the lives positively by Actions” driven by my values for which I believe in my life…

  • Contribution to the society
  • Realization
  • Innovation

 Contribution to the society: When I hear (or many of us hear) the word contribution, it brings the image of helping others, donation, charity etc., The word Contribution has become so synonymous of getting associated with the society. But what is the real source of contribution?

In my view Contribution to thyself …leads to contribution to the society. Our own actions create ripples of reactions and influences without really making an attempt to really influence others !! how many times it might have influence negatively others?! Many times, it is just that we are not present to our actions!

In my child hood days, one of the boards kept by my father in my home had struck deeply in to me …. “When you are not comfortable with yourselves, you will not be comfortable with others”.

It took ages for me to realize these words! How many times, my emotions have had impacts on others and gone as a chain reaction affecting others in both positive and negative ways?

The starting of Contribution need not be always helping poor, donating, etc., rather it starts within ourselves for ourselves in all dimensions of life…so that the contribution to society radiates to others with the slightest of our efforts!?

 Realization: How many of us do know what potential we have? Most of the time we need some one’s help to identify our potential. In our life journey how many times we have dared to raise the bar for ourselves to stretch ourselves or for others? What it prevents to raise the bar? Is it the fear of failure or the fear of Success?

 Innovation: Innovation has become a buzz word…and I do agree that innovation is required to keep the life’s momentum and to achieve the above two core values… but the innovation I mention is about the simple choices that we make in our life to make incremental improvements for us and to others ! choices we can make which will help to bring down our cribs!!…and these are conscious choices that we make in life that are real innovations rather than spending huge effort in finding out few brilliant admirable ideas…! Conscious better choices are a regular day to day basis to keep the momentum of life which are real innovations that will help to contribute to self, society and realize the potential of self and others!

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