The rise of Artificial Intelligence and the fall of intuitive intelligence


The power of Intuitive Intelligence

The adoption of AI is pervasive and will continue to help us make decisions in our everyday lives. Automated systems help us do some of our routine activities in life. These kinds of systems are, in fact, very helpful in many ways. However, certain aspects of thinking and power are very intuitive. It is curious to know how trade was done a few thousand years ago. The business environment had multiple dimensions, such as global spread, fast change, uncertainty, competition, etc. If we look at some of the historical notes, it is evident that the Romans were importing more than exporting to Tamil Nadu during the 1st century CE. Artificial intelligence technology was not available during the Chola era and other great Tamil Kingdoms ! Obviously, the people were depending on many manual methods. Most importantly, people were depending on their own intuitive intelligence.

 But people pursued these kinds of large volumes of trade over a great length of time and distance. Without these kinds of automation tools, People were making decisions and doing many things with the available information! If we look back, without these kinds of automated tools, people were trading so much and achieving great goals! Ports were there, ships were there, trade was going on, and the manufacturing of coins and other metals was in practice, but there were no AI tools. Intuitive intelligence is of great importance during those days as many automated tools were not there !

We are data!

We have become data-generating humans! In a way, we are data! Nowadays, when we make an online inquiry, we don’t even know whether BOT is responding or human beings are responding. Business intelligence has improved using tools and algorithms. These systems are helping us identify which market we want to serve, what products consumers like, what they will buy in the next few months, and so on.

Many times, we are not even aware that AI and other automated tools are tracking our location, behavior, and what we like and don’t like. Without our knowledge, many tools process information about us every day and generate data about us. Social media platforms and e-commerce platforms throw us many recommendations as we open up our gadgets, which is evidence of the amount of data we generate. These recommendations influence the kind of clothes we buy, the perfumes we use, the house we live in, the spouse with whom we live together, etc.

AI assited  thinking

Predictive Artificial intelligence is helping us make decisions. These predictions are increasing day by day. Notifications drive our lives through gadgets like mobiles, smart phones, smart rings, and so on. These notifications make us occupied and keep us busy by sending reminders. Including what food we need to have! If we just capture a picture of ourselves on our mobile phones, the tool can tell you what your obesity level is, your BMI, what to eat, what kind of exercise to do, when to sleep, etc. For some of us, it may also be very helpful.

Similarly, AI helps in many aspects of life. One such example is predictive navigation, which helps reach destinations faster using real-time data. Similarly, there is emotional AI. This AI is trying to predict other emotions and help us keep our emotions high or low! or how to keep our emotions with our partner in certain situations.

In addition to this, the trend is becoming more virtual in life! With AI in combination with virtual reality, we are trying to create more virtualities in our lives. Maybe human beings will have more of a virtual relationship, meeting only in a virtual world. We will not even know what is real. But all these advancements are trying to help us perform better or make better decisions.

We have become used to this kind of assisted living, and it is becoming normal for us to be driven by this kind of AI-assisted living. This AI-assisted living is also making us think less! Of course, in this ever-increasingly fast-paced world, we need to respond quickly. These kinds of AI systems are occupying our core strength of thinking and making us further lazy in our thinking.

Unchanging decision patterns

Decisions happen almost every moment of our personal and professional lives. Some of the issues are trivial, and some may be difficult to deal with. Some of the common decisions that we keep making in our lives are

  • How to help the kids perform better in their studies or extracurricular activities
  • How to deal with some of the relationship issues, etc.
  • Similarly, in professional environments, we continue to deal with situations such as what opportunities to pursue and what not to pursue.
  • How to expand the business or win deals or get others agreement.

When we compare the current business or personal environment with that of the olden days, the problem statements have not changed much! When people were trading across the seas (This is one of the examples) without sophisticated tools, they were making various decisions with limited tools like AI.

In this automation era, the systems have become faster, smaller, etc., but the kind of decisions we make, the way in which we deal with people, the competition, and the changing dynamics of the business still remain both in our personal and professional lives.

Need of intuitive intelligence

Even with so much sophistication, we face recessions, layoffs, stock market crashes, pandemics, relationship issues, health issues, etc. These kinds of things keep happening in spite of the rise of automation and so many sophisticated tools and systems. In addition to these challenges, if we look at the socio-economic nature of business, the challenges have become much more complex. Economic growth has happened, but at the same time, economic disparity has also widened. The sophistication of technology has increased, and at the same time, the complexity of human life has also increased.

If we look into these kinds of aspects, in spite of so many advancements, we continue to struggle to address the above kinds of challenges. Poverty, racism, relationship issues, and so on continue to exist.

Some decisions are easy to make, and some require some deliberation. Some people think AI is one kind of magic wand! And they think that this magic wand can solve many problems. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Humans were relying on intuitive thinking, which is at the core of human thinking and decision-making. Human beings are in a need to address the above kinds of issues and keep taking decisions. Intuitive thinking is the core power of a human being, and we are in need of nourishment much more than before.

Decision-making ways!

Impulsive-based decisions: There are so many mechanisms and methodologies that we come across in decision-making. But we make impulsive decisions most of the time. These are very impulsive in nature. We can call them impulsive or mechanical reactions.

Option-based decision: Another way of looking at things is to think about many options. This way, that way, or in other ways, we end up selecting one of the options that we have. This is an option-driven approach.

Cause-based decisions: There is a cause behind decisions. For example, I don’t purchase a house because I don’t have enough money. There is a cause behind this decision.

View-based decisions: Decisions are based on views. Even though I don’t have the money, I am confident of earning enough money to purchase a house. There is a view called “Confident” . Based on my confident view, I purchase a house. The view here is that I am capable of doing something.

Analysis-based decisions: Sometimes we think and get confused based on merits and demerits, likes and dislikes, etc., and finally we settle down on something!

The above methodologies come naturally to us, and they do not require any special effort. Let us consider purchasing a dress. We go to the shop, and often the options that are available might not be what we originally wanted. Then we look at some options and decide; sometimes we select and sometimes we don’t. Sometimes other factors come into play, which again leads us to some more options, like money, influences, what other people think, etc.

If we extend that to purchasing a house, it might not be very different! There are a few options available, or do some analysis, like a quieter place, a spacious place, etc. stc Sometimes we give preference to what other people need to think about us by looking at our house!

Many times,our decisions are more option-based or impulse-based than based on a thorough thinking process.

Creative Intuitive Intelligence

The missing element :

There are challenges in relationships, uncertainties in life, and challenges in business, and human beings continue to struggle. There is a need for human beings to unleash the intelligence they have. Many times we analyze a lot, but there is something which is required beyond analysis. That is intuitive intelligence.

Intuitive power humans have

  1. Comprehending multiple things and creating a point of view, considering technological changes, financial constraints, and political situations, there are situations where we need to make decisions to invest money, effort, and time to produce results! Human beings comprehend and make unique views and decisions.
  2. Being human, really empathizing with another human being, going beyond ourselves, and making an emphathizing decision
  3. being a source of inspiration and a valuable relationship, beyond logic and algorithms.
  4. Creating a new future: unpredictable inventions, creating dreams and worlds

Aspects of Intuitive Intelligence

The goal: The goal we want to achieve → For example, some of the goals may be to increase sales volume, provide customer service, improve organizational efficiency, etc. However, there may be some personal goals as well, like getting a bigger bonus, getting a promotion, or holding organizational power. If we observe closely, we will come to know what we really want to achieve. The goal plays an important role because it becomes an intention to achieve it. Whatever the real intent, acknowledging the real intent is a pathway to a breakthrough in the real actions.

Our Experiences and Emotions: When we want to achieve our goals, we may tend to take decisions based on our experiences. Closely looking at our experiences will help us look beyond our constraints. For example, we want to increase the sales volume, but at the same time, the customer with whom we are working was not favorable to us in the past for some reasons. There is a possibility that perceptions about that particular customer play an important role in approaching the particular opportunity for working with that customer. We may become very cautious or not very positive about approaching the customer.

Context of the situation: The current environment, both on the customer side and on the organization side, may influence the situation. For example, both organizations have the purpose of producing sustainable products for their customers. The pivotal point will be how to create sustainable products, rather than cost reduction or increasing profit.

What we know and what we don’t know: Things that we know about the customer and ourselves deceive more than what we don’t know. Sometimes what we know about the customer leads us to take some things for granted and blinds us to the changes that are happening on the customer side.

Getting connected with our intuitiveness

Intuitive intelligence is not a formula. It is really getting connected to the whole dimension of the goal that we want to achieve and ourselves. Then it is going beyond conventional thinking and known things. This provides access to enormous power that humans alone can comprehend and use to make decisions!

  • Sinking: Sinking means closely observing or reflecting the above aspects. Observing is one of the most powerful aspects. Just observing ourselves and those around us helps us come closer to our goals.
  • Writing: For some, it may be helpful to take a notebook and write about each of the aspects and what pops up in the mind. This is a very powerful practice. Just note down whatever pops up in your mind. Capture the thoughts, emotions, our state of being, what we think about the goals, the people with whom we are working, etc.
  • Taking Solitude time: In today’s demanding situation, what we lack is solitude time. There is always something that keeps pushing us, both consciously and unconsciously. Some kind of pressure or restlessness keeps us active all the time. Our mind and body keep worrying about the next task. For many of us, simply sitting quietly for about half an hour is a daunting task. It may be uncomfortable. But as we practice, we will become more comfortable. This step helps us break the cycle of unconscious pressure and conscious pressure.
  • Acknowledging greatness: There are many ways in which we can acknowledge our own greatness. For spending quality time. For example, acknowledging others, offering help without expecting any returns, etc. Acknowledging this kind of greatness really helps us connect with who we are.

Unleashing Intuitive Intelligence

By this time, we may feel a little lighter and more intimate with what we are dealing with. It is time to think about who is dealing with the situation. Step out of the title, position, and our own limitations. This is the moment when we are really intimate with the subjects that we deal with and with ourselves.

 At some point, we just go beyond conventional thinking. The ideas may appear to be much deeper and wider, more empathetic, and more humane in nature. These ideas become more powerful and richer. These ideas, which are very intuitive, emerge!

Intuitive Intelligence

The experience of Intuitive Intelligence

Many of us experience our own intuitive power. In my own experience, one of the areas that has helped is changing my career. I had the view that a sales role meant traveling a lot, spending time with customers outside of business hours, and so on. Most importantly, I was thinking, I cannot do these things.

When there was a challenge, I allowed myself to take a deeper look. I just went beyond my own barriers and moved into a sales role. It is a surprise to me that somehow there was a natural fit for me. In the past few months, I realized that I must have taken on this role before. The kind of experience that I have gained, the kind of books I read, the way I think, etc. came as a natural fit. It is like a flow, and I felt much deeper within myself.

What came out intuitively was that I am passionate about helping someone. This got connected in the sales role. I am here to create value for the customers and the organization in a powerful way. This emerged as something magical. Something to go beyond conventional thinking and conventional ways of working. Things that were impossible became possible. Limitations suddenly went away! It is not by any logic but deep. This is intuitive. Yes, challenges pop up. But there is a flow. It is not something to deal with. This flow helps to go beyond failures, so-called shame, and so-called linitations! There is freedom to choose. The power comes from deep within. The power is to create value and be meaningful.

If I can do, others can do !


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