One of the strategic approaches that may be required for many organizations to look at the repositioning today’s business and creating new stream of business. Most importantly connecting through the existing competencies which is the key to the transformation. Well explained. This is one of the books which ignite the new thought process.
The Books
The greatest inspiration for me to read books is from my father. In my early days, I have seen my father reading many management books and inspirational books. When I was facing some kind of challenges in the job and my life, I resorted to reading books and undergoing training. This has become a habit now. Pre-COVID times, I used to listen to audiobooks while commuting to the office, usually in the morning time. I realized that there is always a thirst to become a better human being and reading books helped me to quench this thirst to some extent ...however it has increased the thirst in some ways!!
Sharing some of the books which I have read/listened to over some time, might be interesting and be helpful to reflect on our business life and personal for those who are interested in the topics of “Books on Leadership”, “Best books on management”,“Books on Strategy” etc.
The new age of Innovation
Books on InnovationC K Prahalad is one of the thinkers whom I admire greatly. Almost 14 years back, in this book he talked about IT is not only about cost reduction it also is about competency. At the same time, he talked about Personalization which cuts across people of all income group. He is also one of the pioneers who talked about tapping the market at the bottom of the pyramid using micro services.
Competing against luck
Books on InnovationThis book is about innovation -. This provides a framework on why people / companies buy products and services. This is one of the classical works of Clayton Christensen. What I like is about the intriguing questions he puts before us and not only that he provides a framework. I believe this framework can be applied in many scenarios such as innovation in customer service, increasing the sales & profit etc.,
Seizing the white space by Mark W Johnson:
Books on StrategyThis book is one of the books, which I admire to identify new areas of business, not in terms of a better price, better quality, etc., it offers a strategic model, which will help enable to identify completely new kinds of differentiated adjacencies.
On strategy by HBR: Category: Business & strategy
Books on StrategyThis is a collection of what strategy is? by a few authors in a nutshell. But this book strategically orients our thinking. If anyone is interested to create a huge difference in business, then this book offers some basic insights on how strategy can help.
The magic of thinking big by David Schwartz.
Books on LeadershipHow ordinary people become superheroes, and how doing big things is no different than doing small things. Very practical approach and very simple.