Being with Nature


We come from nature and return to it. In our hectic lifestyles, we rarely get time to connect with nature. However, we occasionally hear crystal-clear streams of water pouring through. It could be in the hills, the plains, or near the paddy fields. I’m sure some of us have had similar experiences. When we are with nature, it energizes us. We also feel the tremendous power within. It revitalizes us tremendously. Do you have any similar experiences?

When we are truly connected to nature, I believe we are also connected to other humans. It also gives you the experience of being with the whole universe. What a fantastic experience!

I was recently in a rocky area where clouds were moving by. As the clouds moved, my fear began to slip away. I just realized, “Wow, I’m in such an expansive space. In this steep area, the cool air feels as fresh as my mother’s touch. My soul and body feel this freshness. This space and calmness are so great, and I also feel so great about myself. Suddenly, my anger and fear disappeared. It is a time to just enjoy the breeze, the cool air, the clouds moving by, the beautiful flowers, and the kind people around us. It is a time when everything goes well and everything is just right. Just being and taking pleasure in it!

My heart gets warmer; even though I am not physically with my loved ones, my heart goes all the way out, and I feel as if they are with me right now. Wow! What a powerful thing nature is! It’s just a feeling of being one with nature. It is the feeling of getting in touch with your true nature and natural power.

Nature at Uchiyama near Karuizawa

I went to a rocky area called “Uchiyama” near Karuizawa in Japan. We were surprised to see pink and rose flowers and feel a gentle breeze. The flowers in full bloom were moving as if to say, “Come dance and play with us!” It makes it easier for us to accept things as they are and just be at ease.

It looks like there are no roads here. We drove there, which is about 25 kilometers from Karuizawa. After we started going up, we didn’t see very many cars. When we got there, we couldn’t believe the number of people camping there. If I have a chance to visit again, I will.

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